Astro is the all-in-one web framework designed for speed.

Astro is the all-in-one web framework designed for speed.

Astro is a static site generator that offers support for React, Vue etc.. Astro focuses solely on the client side.

Unique features of Astro.

Defining feature of Astro is how it is truly library- and framework-agnostic, which means you can use whichever you choose — React, Vue, Svelte, whatever your preference. You can also mix multiple libraries in one project, enabling the usage of micro-frontends.

Client-side performance.

Astro’s focus on the client side allows it to prioritize client-side optimization and performance. This is best demonstrated in its unique partial hydration feature.

What is partial hydration? Consider that most of any app or website is non-interactive or doesn’t absolutely require client-side JavaScript for interactivity. Astro will compile these components into plain HTML that is served directly to the user.

For the parts that do require client-side JavaScript, these components are saved for individual hydration once the plain HTML has already rendered. Since you are only loading JavaScript for the components that absolutely require it, this drastically reduces your site’s bundle size, which makes it more performant.